Happy New Year!

Posted by Sanctuary Eleven on

A message you may have missed from my stories yesterday -


Now we're all back in the swing of things, I wanted to take a minute to say Happy New Year to you, my lovely customers!

I hope you all had a well-deserved break, with lots of love, laughter and rest!

I feel as if I winged starting a business in 2021, winged it some more in '22, and finally started to get my head around it all by the end of the year. Thank you all so so much for your support, whether it's a share, a follow, a like, a motivational message, or a purchase - I appreciate you all so much and am so grateful to have a little family of wonderful customers.

I'm so excited to see what '23 brings!



January comes with the pressure of starting the new year with a 'bang' and this can cause unnecessary stress. Please remember to take it easy and to take care of yourself. If you're wanting to achieve some big goals this year - fab! But remember, Rome wasn't built in a day - make your goals achievable by splitting them into smaller, less overwhelming steps. You've got this!

If you feel too overwhelmed at the thought of 'new year new me' and the thought of everyone else doing resolutions stresses you out, then take a step back and allow yourself room to breathe. We're still in Winter and nature doesn't start to bloom and come alive until Spring. Take the time to rest now as everything else does in Winter, and start to create small habits ready to go in March - you can bloom too!

Wishing you all a happy, healthy and wealthy 2023. I'm looking forward to seeing where the year takes us.

You know where I am if you need me.

Love and best wishes always,

Abi x

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