Energy Givers > Energy Takers

Posted by Sanctuary Eleven on

Energy flows where energy goes... be mindful of how you use your energy.

Givers :

* A glass of water
* Sunlight
* Nourishing Food (fruits + veggies)
* Reading
* Journaling
* Laughter
* Friends + Family (the positive ones)
* Creativity
* Writing
* Self-care
* Sleep
* Setting intentions
* Fresh Air
* Exercise
* Music
* Meditation
* Visualisation 

Energy Takes :

* Toxic, Negative Friends + Family Members
* People pleasing
* Overthinking
* Too much time on screens or social media
* Dehydration
* Lack of sleep/ inconsistent sleep pattern
* Junk food
* Too much alcohol
* Setting unrealistic goals
* A negative mindset 


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