5 Powerful Affirmations To Release Anxiety

Posted by Sanctuary Eleven on

Here are five powerful affirmations to help release anxiety:

  1. "I release all tension and embrace a calm, peaceful mind."

    • This affirmation helps you let go of the physical and mental stress that anxiety brings, inviting tranquility into your life.
  2. "I trust in the process of life and allow myself to flow with ease."

    • By trusting life’s process, you reduce the need to control every outcome, which can alleviate anxiety.
  3. "I am in control of my thoughts, and I choose peace over worry."

    • This affirmation empowers you to take control of your mind and prioritize calmness over anxious thoughts.
  4. "I breathe in relaxation and exhale all stress and fear."

    • Focusing on your breath with this affirmation helps you physically and mentally release anxiety with each exhale.
  5. "I am safe, and everything is unfolding as it should."

    • This affirmation reassures you that you are secure, allowing you to release fears about the unknown.

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